Well, this last Monday I did my last VO2 test for the study. I also got my results from both tests.
First off, that was the longest I've ever been in the TT position. To be honest, besides my SLR saddle not being too comfortable in that position, it really wasn't too bad. I figured it would be uncomfortable as heck, but I could see staying in that for long enough to race at TT.
Well, like I said, I got my results from both tests. Let's just say they weren't impressive by any means. They weren't bad and I don't really know what I was expecting, but I guess I was expecting me to be a little better than I was. I was just in the bottom half of what is considered an cycling athlete, ouch. I guess I have been out of race shape for so long that I thought my improvement was more than it really was.
I am in the best shape that I've been in since my second year in college, but when I really look back with honesty that isn't saying much. When I was running cross-country in high school I was in way better shape, in fact the best shape I have ever been in. I had let myself get out of that race shape so much during my college years that I thought I was closer to my best now than I really am. Granted I have never had a VO2 test done before, but I know that I could have performed better 10 years ago. Huh, as I write that I realise how silly that sounds. Most of us can say that no matter what shape we were or are in.
In reality this gives me more fuel to train even harder and be even better so that I can say that I am now in as good shape or more than I was in high school. Maybe a tall-order, but who says I can't shoot for the stars?
Stat Dirty.
Missouri MTB State Championships
7 years ago
Forget science. Just use your secret weapon.